Booklets and Flyers

Research and Development for our Customers

© Fraunhofer IME | Birgit Orthen

Biotechnology is the basis of the bioeconomy and contributes sustainably to the knowledge-based production and industrial use of biogenic raw materials. On behalf of our customers, the Fraunhofer IME Molecular Biotechnology Division establishes tailored plants and microbes for applications such as the production of food and renewable raw materials, the manufacture of technical and pharmaceutical proteins, and the handling of anthropogenic pollutants including greenhouse gases, which we can exploit to produce valuable substances. Our synergistic activities in the fields of green and white biotechnology have allowed us to become established successfully in the research landscape and on the market. We offer our partners in academia and industry a comprehensive research and service portfolio.

Bioprocess Engineering

Consulting and expression screening, protein purification, process modeling

© Fraunhofer IME

Biotechnology is a key 21st century technology. As such, biotechnological products are already changing our lives, for example as active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in new medicines that facilitate the treatment of challening diseases such as cancer. Biopharmaceuticals now account for 30 percent of all new medicines approved by the regulatory authorities, but before any such medicines enter the market, they must undergo an extensive development process. Although such processes may involve different steps and unit operations, they all trace back to a common origin: A brilliant idea for a new API. We accelerate your biotechnology research towards clinical trials!

Newsletter November 2024

We are pleased to send you our newsletter 2024. This year, we would like to give you an insight into the research topics that we presented at the 34th SETAC Europe Conference in Seville in May 2024:

  • Transcriptomic Point-of-Departure: Integrating OMICs Data into Regulation
  • Performance of a Modified Screening Method for Degradation of Polymers
  • Crop Protection by RNA Interference – a Horizon Scanning of Approaches to Inform Risk Assessment
  • Portrait: Marie Winter

In addition, you will find a report on the SETAC special session “Regulatory Requirements for Scientific Development”, which you can access via Link on our website.

We hope you enjoy reading: Newsletter NOV24

Further information on our research topics at SETAC 2024 is available on this website.

Newsletter November 2023

In its latest newsletter, the Fraunhofer IME in Schmallenberg presents an insight into new assessment procedures and test methods that are required due to a changed perception of risks:

  • When water fleas perceive fish: Fish kairomones initiate a protective reaction in the
    water flea Daphnia magna
  • WildOMICs: Unravelling the biological potential of the German Environmental Specimen
  • Leachability as a Measure for Substance Mobility in the classification as PMT/vPvM
  • Portrait: our long-time colleague Uwe Boshof.

We hope you enjoy reading: Newsletter NOV23

Newsletter November 2022

We are pleased to publish our Newsletter November 2022. We present the following current research projects - focused on molecular analytical methods - from Fraunhofer IME in Schmallenberg:

  • TrendDNA: a time travel into Biodiversity
  • Toxicogenomic method to monitor adverse effects in water samples from wastewater treatment plants
  • Understanding soil microbiomes: where are we? Identification of missing test systems and endpoints
  • Portrait: Dr. Bernd Göckener



November 2021

The European chemicals regulation REACH requires the (further) development of guidelines for
special issues. Read about our work:


·         Bioaccumulation assessment of nanomaterials

·         Experimental characterization of NER for persistence Assessment

·         Endocrine disruptors as a threat to fish populations

·         Portrait: Dr. Karsten Schlich

Research facility for aquaculture studies.
© Kunststoffe Spranger GmbH | Foto: Ronny Schubert

November 2020

Potentially problematic substances present in the environment require investigation relating to their exposure and effects by means of adapted test and analysis methods. This includes substances such as for feed ingredients and additives in aquaculture, for plastics in films for agriculture and horticulture, or for the spectrum of perfluorinated and polyfluorinated surfactant compounds in human blood.
In the portrait we introduce Dr. Steve Ayobahan, whose doctoral thesis and subsequent activity in our young scientist group »Eco’n’Omics« will support the production of environmentally friendly substances during their  development stage in the future.

© Fraunhofer IME | Foto: Pantermedia, Gerald Kiefer,

November 2019

Research dedicates itself to explore the unknown – and there is plenty of it in regulatory substance evaluation. Whether you look at chemical substances of unknown or variable composition (UVCB substances), unknown products formed during food processing or unknown effects on possibly unknown influence factors on fish populations – we show how our detecting and systematic approaches contribute to scientific understanding and evaluation. Furthermore, we introduce Verena Kosfeld as one of our doctoral candidates, who in her work merges the two research fields namely bioaccumulation and monitoring.

© Fraunhofer IME | Photo:

Special issue "Nano" June 2019

This year Fraunhofer IME celebrates its 60th anniversary – this means 60 years of research into the environmental risk assessment of substances and consumer exposure. For almost 20 years we have been dealing with the effect of nanomaterials on the environment – by practical investigations and participation in the elaboration of international guidelines. Based on our comprehensive knowledge we develop solution approaches and provide answers to current problems. In this newsletter you will find examples as well as a portrait of Dr. Kerstin Hund-Rinke who very successfully promotes our research in the ecotoxicology of nanomaterials from the beginning to the present day.

© Fraunhofer IME | Photo: MEV-Verlag

November 2018

Contamination of food by chemical substances results from transfer processes. We explore such processes by carrying out a large variety of studies. To elucidate the transfer of fluorinated alkyl substances via feeding material into animal products we develop methods aiming at their total detection. For the prediction of metabolites originating from pesticides and reaching farmed fish via feedstuff we have developed a method to replace animals. In addition, we describe how we improve the determination of the degrading behaviour of chemicals in soil by investigating the reliability of recording experimental conditions.We also introduce Dr. Kerstin Derz, Deputy Head of the Department Ecological Chemistry.

© Fraunhofer IME | Photo: Klaus Peter Kappest

November 2017

Analyzing the environmental risk of chemical substances and assessing the quality of environmental media – these are key tasks of the Applied Ecology Division at Fraunhofer IME. In this issue we present a novel test system for sensitive lotic invertebrates and a new method to prove the occurrence of Anticoagulant Rodenticides in German inland waters using a multi-method developed for the German  Environmental Specimen Bank. Taking wastewater treatment as an example we explore whether the chemical composition of nanomaterials can give a hint on their ecotoxicity. We also introduce Matthias Teigeler, head of our worldwide recognized fish laboratory.

© Fraunhofer IME | Photo: Walter Pfliegler

November 2016

Chemicals reach the environment via production, transport, use and disposal of consumer products. From there they find their way into raw food materials. The limits of detection are continually decreasing, more and more substances can be identified in increasingly smaller concentrations. Acting as a mediator between industry and regulatory bodies we are involved in the development of many international test procedures for substance evaluation. In this first issue of the Applied Ecology Newsletter we present some of these activities. We also introduce Dr. Burkhard Knopf who retrospectively identifies substance
concentrations in the framework of the German Environmental Specimen Bank.

Higher Tier Aquatic Risk Assessment

© Fraunhofer IME | Klaus Peter Kappest

Standard risk assessments are designed to be protective and are not necessarily realistic. There are several options to refine these assessments using higher tier studies. We design and execute such studies under GLP conditions, assessing aquatic effects in order to provide more realistic effect data and reduce the uncertainties in extrapolation to a field situation. Necessary fate and exposure analysis is conducted in close co-operation with our chemical departments in-house.

Nanomaterials - Behavior, Fate and Effects

© Fraunhofer IME | Klaus Peter Kappest

Nanomaterials are capturing the European market in a rapidly increasing number of products, available both for industry and private consumers. They offer a wide spectrum of technical and commercial  opportunities, e.g. as ingredients of foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Evidence published in scientific literature during the past few years, however, suggests that some nanomaterials, due to hazardous properties, might give reason for health and safety concerns with regard to humans and organisms in the environment. While draft guidance of competent authorities is still under development, we are able to provide a full spectrum of experimental methods to test and assess the behavior, fate and effects of nanomaterials in a way that fully complies with regulatory requirements.

Fraunhofer-Allianz Food Chain Management

© Thorwald Hoffmann

Food enterprises compete in a tough market environment. The safeguarding of secure and sustainable food becomes more and more challenging in times of complex global flow of foods. The customers seek safe and healthy food in good quality and at a favourable price. However, even today, about 30 percent of the global produced food is spoiled during transport. Emerging trends in the food sector target faster food supply times requiring highly efficient logistics for fast handling

Booklets of the Fraunhofer Society

© Fraunhofer IME | Peter Müschen

Booklets of the Fraunhofer Group for Life Sciences

© Fraunhofer IME | Peter Müschen