60 years Fraunhofer at the location Schmallenberg
Worldwide active and regionally enrooted - a story of success was celebrated. Shortly before completion of the new center of the instute, Fraunhofer IME celebrated the 60-year anniversary of the Fraunhofer location Schmallenberg-Grafschaft with 160 invited guests from science, industry and politics on October 29, 2019. Beside a view on the relevance of the scientific work in Schmallenberg in the past and presence, an outlook of themes for the future was given. The realisation is enabled by investions of about 30 Mio € by the Federal Republic Germany (D), the Federal State North-Rhine Westfalia (NRW) and own resources. The emerging new laboratory building could be viewed by the guests.

Greetings from Dr. Peter Liese, MEP, Environmental spokesperson of the European People’s Party (EPP) in the European Parliament and head of CDU-Europe group