Reviewing OECD Test Guidelines

Applied Ecology /

Fraunhofer ITEM and IME contracted by Umweltbundesamt

OECD Test Guidelines display an important tool to evaluate the impacts of chemicals on the environment. The update of the Test Guidelines is organised by the Working Party of National Coordinators for the OECD Test Guidelines Programme (WNT) and the OECD Secretariat. The procedure relies on proposals from OECD member countries and does not contain a regular update check.


The German Environment Agency contracted Fraunhofer ITEMFraunhofer IME and Ramboll to identify and prioritise any potential update need and to come up with a list for potential actions. It is emphasised that the project shall rely on feedback from the international community. 

To incorporate the opinion of international scientific experts, a survey has been developed which can be accessed until end of June 2021 via:
SurveyXact (


More Information

For more information please visit the project website or contact the project team via


Contact point Fraunhofer

Fraunhofer IME: Prof. Dr. Christian Schlechtriem
Fraunhofer ITEM: Dr. Stefan Hahn