Fraunhofer IME events, conferences, workshops and fairs

SETAC Europe 2025 35th Annual Meeting Vienna

The SETAC Europe 35th Annual Meeting is held in Vienna, Austria from 11 - 15 May 2025 and hosts scientists from Europe and overseas.

Chemists and biologists of the Fraunhofer IME participate in the Setac meeting with numerous poster and platform presentations, where they present their current research results.

These contributions can be found on this Website.

61st Tutzing Symposion

3. - 6. November

© Fraunhofer IME | Birgit Orthen

Pharmaceuticals, food additives, fragrances, agrochemicals, functional materials and many more – plant-based extracts are important ingredients in a wide variety of market segments. At the Tutzing Symposion 2024 experts from industry and academia meet to discuss technological progress and research needs, the opportunities for increasing value creation and the regulatory and market frameworks.

The 61st Tutzing Symposion 2024 provides once again a unique platform and ample time to exchange ideas between leading scientists and decision makers.

The Fraunhofer IME team from Münster will be represented in Tutzingen by  Dr. Lena Grundman and apl. Prof. Dr. Gundula Noll. Their poster  “Functional and Applied Genomics meets Medicinal Plants. Innovative plant breeding to improve plant secondary metabolites” will provide insights into the research and development of medicinal plants such as arnica, fennel and nasturtium.

SETAC Europe 2024 34th Annual Meeting Seville

The SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting is held in Seville, Spain from 5 - 9 May 2024 and hosts scientists from Europe and overseas.

Chemists and biologists of the Fraunhofer IME participate in the Setac meeting with numerous poster and platform presentations, where they present their current research results.

These contributions can be found on this website.

German Biotech Days

Berlin 16. and 17. April 2024

The German Biotechnology Days (DBT), are regarded a national forum for the German biotechnology industry. The DBT brings together entrepreneurs with scientists and partners from politics, funding institutions and administration. The two-day program will highlight the diverse fields of application and potential of biotechnology, from health research to the bioeconomy. The event is jointly organised by BIO Deutschland and the Council of German BioRegions.
On Wednesday, Dr. Christian Schulze Gronover, Fraunhofer IME in Münster, will report on the "Perspective" project coordinated by the Fraunhofer IME as part of the symposium "The role of microorganisms in biotechnology". Specially adapted yeasts play the key role in the project.

"Fraunhofer Technology Day – Scale up Green Chemistry Now!"

© Fraunhofer IAP | Till Budde

Scaling Day on November 29, 2023 at Fraunhofer CBP Leuna and Fraunhofer PAZ Schkopa


Registration and more Informationen

SETAC Europe 2023 33rd Annual Meeting Dublin

The SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting is held in Dublin, Ireland from 30 April - 4 May 2023 and hosts scientists from Europe and overseas. Biologists and chemists from Fraunhofer IME are contributing to the meeting with several presentations and posters presenting their scientific network research.

Please find here selected presentrations.

InVaKaS registration open!

Brazilian - German Workshop | Innovation potential for valorized cascade use of by-products from juice production - InVaKaS

The one week “InVaKaS” workshop with experts from Brazil and Germany, intends to map the value chain and to develop new research ideas for valorization and cascade use contributing to the sustainability transition of value chains. The workshop takes place from 20.3. to 26.3.2023 in Bahia, Brazil and aims to engage various stakeholders along the value chain to elaborate new project ideas. Tuesday, 21.03.2023 will be organized as a hybrid event and welcomes every person interested in this topic. The workshop language will be English.

Meet us at the German Rubber Conference

Nuremberg, Germany, 27.6. - 30.6.2022
The German Rubber Conference and International Rubber Conference is the meeting place for the global rubber and elastomer industry. The two pillars of the conference -the scientific lecture program and the trade exhibition- attract around 3000 visitors to the Nuremberg Exhibition Center every three years. With a one-year delay due to the pandemic, this year around 250 exhibitors will present their new rubber-related products and services. Since DKT 2018, the Science Campus has been an integral part of the trade exhibition as an exchange and presentation platform for renowned research institutes and groups.

This year, scientists from the Fraunhofer IME in Münster, together with colleagues from the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS and the Fraunhofer Pilot Plant Center for Polymer Synthesis and Processing PAZ, will be presenting, among other things, the results of the "Biomimetic Synthetic Rubber BISYKA" cooperation project. Learn how the researchers have succeeded in producing lower-abrasion test tires without losing grip (wet grip) or low rolling resistance. Uur experts on site, Boje Müller and Christian Schulze Gronover, were available for  lively exchange with visitors.

Fraunhofer IME at SETAC Europe 2022 Annual Meeting

15 - 19 May 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark + Online

The SETAC Europe 32st Annual Meeting "Towards a reduced pollution society" is held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 15th - 19th May 2022 and hosts scientists from Europe and overseas. Biologists and chemists from Fraunhofer IME are contributing to the meeting with several presentations and posters presenting their scientific network research.

Please find here selected presentrations.

Fraunhofer IME at the International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research – SphERe

September 15.-19., 2021 | online

SPhERe is an interdisciplinary forum to comprehensively discuss current and future trends in the production of effective and customized drugs in a cost-efficient manner with experts from academia and industry. The topics of the symposium cover the entire value chain, from the active pharmaceutical ingredient to the development of the custom-fit formulation.

On the opening day, Fraunhofer IME researcher Boje Müller from the Münster location reported as an invited speaker about the research of the Isoprenoids group. The focus was on the production of special plant metabolites for the pharmaceutical industry. "The progress we have made in recent years is enormous. The BMBF-funded ASPIRANT project (link) helps us take another step towards application," explained group leader Christian Schulze Gronover.

Programme SPhERe 2021

Fraunhofer IME at SETAC Europe 2021 Annual Meeting

The SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting “We're presenting!” is held as a virtual conference from 3rd - 6th May 2021 and hosts scientists from Europe and overseas. Biologists and chemists from Fraunhofer IME are contributing to the meeting with several oral presentations and posters presenting their scientific network research.

Please find here selected presentrations.

Fraunhofer IME at NanoTox 2021

20th - 22nd April 2021, Virtual Conference

The NanoTox is an international expert conference aimed at employees from research and teaching, industry, authorities and companies who deal with nanotechnology and its risk assessment for humans and the environment.  

Link to NanoTox2021.
Fraunhofer IME Poster:

Hund-Rinke et al: Environmental grouping and read-across for nanomaterials - are the properties defined by ECHA sufficient regarding green algae?

Hund-Rinke et al: Experiences with a higher tier test design simulating environmental fate and effect of medical products after the use phase.

This information will be updated continuously. Poster will be published here after the conference.

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail!