Food Quality

Food quality is defined by various parameters. Good food should be both visually and sensory appealing and of constant quality. Moreover, it is expected to be produced resource-efficient.

The monitoring and control of all factors requires a flexible, demand-oriented, sometimes very fast, sometimes more flexible analysis. Applications include flavors as for the production of wine, chocolate, tea or coffee, the analysis of precursors and formation paths also uisng radiolabeled compounds, and of valuable phytochemicals for their utilization after extraction of raw materials.

© Fraunhofer IME/panthermedia/iStockphoto

Selected publications

Bücking, M., Göckener, B.
The radiokitchen: understanding chemical reactions during food processing (2020) New Food, 23 (05), 74-76. Russell Publishing

Graf A., Hild O.R., Zeh G., Sauerwald T., Bücking M.,
Concept for a MEMS-based GC Chip as a Part of an Easy-to-Use Handheld System, MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023 - Mikroelektronik, Mikrosystemtechnik und ihre Anwendungen - Nachhaltigkeit und Technologiesouveranitat, Proceedings, pp. 536 - 540, VDE-Verlag, ISBN 978-380076204-0

Projects and Information

Project »Pummel«

Development of a "point-of-use micro-multichannel gas chromatograph” for fast point-of-use detection of VOCs

Other projects

A wide range of projects on product protection and analytics by the partner institutes of the Fraunhofer Agriculture and Food Industry Alliance can be found on the Alliance's website.

Fraunhofer Agriculture and Food Industry Alliance

Read more about the research topics of the Fraunhofer Food Industry Alliance.