ABIWAS – Calculation of the Abiotic Degradation of Chemicals in Water
The software ABIWAS 3.0 calculates the abiotic degradation of chemicals in water. It calculates rate constants and DegT50 values according to the recommendations of OECD 2008. This program is the re-implementation of ABIWAS 2.0 implemented by Martin Müller in 2002. ABIWAS 3.0 is based on the original publication:
Herrmann, M., D. Büchel, M. Klein: ABIWAS - Programm zur Berechnung des abiotischen Abbaus von Chemikalien in Gewässern, Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox., 5 (1993) 275-276
Analysis. ABIWAS 3.0 is a user-friendly implementation calculating the abiotic degradation of a chemical. As input, the user enters the concentration of chemical in mol/L, the extinction of chemical at wavelength and the quantum yield of substance at wavelength. The experimental input data can be derived according to OECD 2008.
As result, the user obtains a text report containing the model input and output e.g. regulatory endpoints like half time values (DegT50 min, DegT50, DegT50max) and the corresponding photolysis rates over the year. Additionally, charts present input data (substance specific data, water specific data, and light specific data) and output data (half-time values).
Result chart in Abiwas 3.0- Half-time values (DegT50, minimal DegT50, and maximal DegT50) per Month.
User interface and friendliness. ABIWAS 3.0 is implemented in VB.NET as a user-friendly stand-alone program. The graphical user interface is intuitive. The user does not need programming skills.