Calculation of the maximum residue value in fish feed
DietaryBurdenCalculator is a user-friendly stand-alone software for the calculation of maximum residue value in fish diet.
Analysis. The dietary burden is calculated based on the formulation of Maximum Reasonable Balanced Diets (MRBD) considering all the potential plant commodities and their by-products relevant for aquaculture diets, which are derived from existing and/or proposed uses of the pesticide. The plant derived feed commodities, which are considered potentially relevant for fish feeding are listed in a database. The program is able to calculate the MRBD for three important aquaculture species, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), considering the dietary target protein and lipid content as well as the recommended maximum inclusion rate of each plant commodity used. As input, the user has to enter the residue values of an active substance for the relevant feed commodities. Each feed component with a positive residue value can be considered in the dietary burden calculation. The maximum dietary burden is calculated by using the Simplex-Method. The program offers a written txt file report containing the model input and output and a table summarizing the results obtained.
User interface and friendliness. DietaryBurdenCalculator is implemented in VB.NET as a user-friendly stand-alone program. The graphical user interface is intuitive. The user does not need programming skills.