Applied Ecology and Bioresources

We develop experimental and modelbased methods for the assessment of risks to ecosystems posed by potentially hazardous substances, as well as for the analysis of consumer exposure to such substances within the environment. We often act as scientific mediators between commercial producers and the regulatory authorities. Another focal point of our work is the identification of active substances from bioresources such as plants, microbes and insects, plus the sustainable agricultural production of active substances from plants. We also develop biotechnological methods for the control of pest and vector insects and utilize insects to generate protein from organic waste.

The research area consists of five business fields distributed between the locations Schmallenberg (Applied Ecology) and Gießen (Bioresources).


Business Fields Applied Ecology


Environmental Risk Assessment of Substances

Food Safety and Quality

Sustainable Agricultural Production of Substances



Business Fields Bioresources


Bioresources for the Bioeconomy

Insect Biotechnology